The joy of small packages & breaking winter’s spell

by - 11:39 AM

Who can resist a package from Sparta?  Especially when the stamps 
feature bicycles!  we LOVE bicycles around here!
It is no doubt this winter was a trying one.  Especially for the Northeast and the Boston area.  We really had no idea what we were getting into as we watched the colorful leaves of the season drop into great piles on our lawns. 

Little did we realize that those leave piles would be replaced by even bigger piles of snow on our lawns and our roofs which for most would end up as ice dams and water running down our walls. We were kind of like the boiled frog… but instead of the temperature heating up gradually it “cooled” us into thinking we were just getting ready for just another winter.

The beautiful Ginger all bundled up in her coat, she couldn't get home fast enough!
Lexington center on February 2, 2015, 
20 inches of snow piled on top of the two feet from the prior week's blizzard!

I remember it was Halloween day, I got about three cords of wood delivered and we all spent the day stacking it.  Later, we hung around a bon fire to hand candy out to the trick-or-treaters pleased that their costumes weren’t hidden under coats.  Every once and a while I would steal a glance at the neatly stacked cords, we did a great job this year but pride aside, I felt a little silly ordering so much wood.  It was a warmish night after all.  As of today that woodpile is nearly depleted except for a few skimpy pieces. 

We are hoping for spring now that we have depleted three cords of wood!

With work piled high, kids missing school, tunnels to dig so the dog could pee and then simply just trying to keep an old house warm it’s no wonder New Englander’s are consider hardy souls.  But, there were moments this winter where I wasn’t feeling so hardy.  I would look out the window think how nice it would be to escape to someplace other than here.

Until the package came…  all the way from Sparta.  I had forgotten about it actually.  After clearing the mailbox of snow and quickly shuffling inside to escape the cold, there, buried under the bills and the junk mail was one of the sweetest packages you could receive.

Rosemary, oregano and thyme Oh My!  What beautiful package to open from The Spartan Table
Since starting to sell on Etsy about a year ago I have met a number of wonderful shop owners.  Every single one is creative and talented with unique stories.  I was first attracted to this particular shop by the beautiful photography of their products consisting of homegrown Greek food, oils, herbs, olives and spices. 

What you learn through the shop owner Jehny Koniditsioti’s correspondence and through their shop newsletter is that The Spartan Table is a family endeavor.   Tired of running their own company and spending long hours away from their children, Jehny and her husband decided to return to their roots and create products from their homeland of Sparta.  

It could not have been a better time to get something so delicious and cheerful as the New Olive Crop Celebration parcel.  I had ordered one of the first of the limited sample boxes of their very own olive oil.  This was only a tiny sample bottle but it is enough to sample true olive oil from Greece!   

What better way to endure a hard winter than to cook up your own storm in the kitchen!

Included in the parcel is this amazing raw sea salt, dried thyme, wild oregano, and rosemary.  Everything came packaged with ribbons and hearts!  Of course we put everything to test right away taking pots out and cooking, warming up the kitchen… and our souls!  Thank you Spartan Table for taking old-man-winter’s chill out of this “hardy” New Englander.

The read the wonderful story about Jehny and The Spartan Table visit The Village Style or to sample or purchase any of their wonderful products visit their Etsy shop here.

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